Understanding the concept of OOP
1 Introduction
In this lab your will use all the Java concepts that you have learned in this course to create a simple Java Class. In a very simplistic way, a Java class is a collection of variables (Class Fields) and methods (Class methods). The methods might use IF statements, Loops, Switch statements and everything else that you should know by now.
This lab is just an pick at what CS-0401 has to offer.
2 Example of Creating a Java Class
The following couple of videos give you an idea on how to create a Java Class (the blue print) and how to create objects based on the blue print. Watch them with attention and if you have any question on them, do not hesitate in contacting either the instructor or the TA.
Video 02: Class Example in Netbeans
3 Creating your own Java Class
Based on what you have seen in the videos above:
a) create your own class about any object you want, such as bike, car, tv, microwave, etc. Your class must have at least 3 features (class fields) and their getters and setters methods
b) Create a main program that creates objects based on your class.